Friday 12 August 2011

Ha, I'm back!

Something I have neglected over the past year is my Blog. I mean, what is the point of having it on my twitter profile if I don't keep it up. So, I am making a return to it. But it will change direction a bit.
You see, I have considered closing this and starting anew one, But, well, I like the title, despite my life being better now than when I started, over 2 1/2 years ago (has it really been that long!) I feel the title is still relevant to all parts of life. So, I will keep this one going.
So, what have I been up to? Well, passed first year at London Met (Applied Social Anthropology) with flying colours, and any mixed feelings I had about carrying on have been knocked on the head, The recent events have re-awakened my interest in what I am Studying. I will post up some researched thoughts about them soon, a lot to look at.
Personal life - Well, I have a wonderful partner, despite the geography, things are going well, let's just leave that there, don't want to jinx anything. Also, my relationship with the girls and my ex (and D) is really good, 99.9% of the time.
What else? managing to fit in some writing (I have a website, but haven't put anything up for a while, have a new short story in mind though). Have two main projects underway, one is a thriller series set around animal rescue, BSL (which I am Vehemently opposed to) and animal cruelty. The other is a fantasy epic I am co-authoring with my brother.
Will find other things to bore you all to tears about, but at the moment, I seem to be holding all aces. Please, feel free to read the early stuff in here, see you again soon.

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